The district is responsible for providing service to Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Garfield, Walla Walla and Yakima Counties. Detachment offices are located in Yakima, Grandview, Kennewick and Walla Walla.
Key Measurements and Statistics

The mission of the Washington State Patrol (WSP) is to make a difference every day, enhancing the safety and security of our state by providing the best in public safety services.
One of the many ways District 3 is supporting this mission is by creating relationships with our stakeholders. In 2019, the district had a 48 percent increase in the number of community outreach events. This increase equated to educating 160,064 people in traffic safety awareness.
Some examples of outreach efforts include:
- Distracted driving awareness to high school students
- Impaired Driving, Every 15 minutes Program, Mock DUI Collision presentation
- El Protector– Connecting communities through education
- Partnerships and education with trucking companies
- Car Seat Safety Checks

Successes of 2019

The district was successful in a relaunch of the “El Protector” Program. The program officially began on February 20, 2003, at a community meeting held in Burbank, Washington. The El Protector Program was developed to reach a segment of our community who may otherwise have limited access to traffic safety information or laws within the state of Washington.
The program continues to make a positive impact, with the reduction of fatality and felony collisions involving Latino surnamed drivers. The face-to-face outreach instills trust and demonstrates transparency to the Hispanic community. Trooper Daniel Mosqueda is a ten-year veteran of the Washington State Patrol, assigned to the Kennewick APA. Trooper Mosqueda has been certified as a Drug Recognition Expert and spent time working as a member of our Aggressive Driving Apprehension Team (ADAT). If you are interested in learning more about this important outreach, please email elprotector@wsp.wa.gov. Watch the YouTube video here and find him on Twitter: @WSPElProtector.
Crisis Intervention Training – an additional 19.6 percent of District 3 troopers attended this 40 hour advanced class.