There are over 200 employees assigned to traffic law enforcement, traffic investigations, narcotics investigations, Homeland Security Division, vehicle inspections, crime laboratory, communications, electronic services, and support services. The district serves as a major gateway into British Columbia, Canada, through Interstate 5, and Bellingham is the southernmost terminal for the Alaska Marine Highway System.
Key Measurements and Statistics

Interstate collisions account for approximately 62 percent of collisions in District 7 while the rest occur on State Routes. The Washington State Patrol is asked to investigate collisions on city and county roads frequently, but they do so as an assistance to the allied agencies and as a force-multiplier.
Counties in District 7 have experienced a five percent increase in population which puts increased strain on the limitations of roadways, which are frequently over-extended with respect to traffic capacity.
One metric that is trending up, with respect to collision-causing violations is distracted driving. This violation has become a focus of efforts in the district and is going to be more heavily emphasized in the 2020 calendar year.

Successes of 2019
District 7 provided awards to troopers and officers from allied agencies for life-saving actions, which required instantaneous reactions and selfless service. Troopers saved people from attempted suicides on Deception Pass Bridge on several occasions. Troopers responded to over 110 suicidal pedestrian subjects, in addition, to over 140 subjects positioned on bridges or overpasses threatening the same. We had 10 occurrences where troopers encountered individuals who were overdosing on opioids. Troopers administering Naloxone saved them from imminent peril. Troopers were given awards for outstanding performance in impaired driving arrests, silver-alert contacts, missing person & runaway contacts, drug investigations, safety-restraint enforcement, aggressive driving apprehension, and much more.
District 7 responded to the highest number of public disclosure requests in the entire state. Over the course of the year, the district’s public disclosure employees fielded over 5,400 requests (2,665 videos and 2,781 public records). These requests are very time-consuming and sensitive which requires diligent work from our dedicated personnel.

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