District 8 serves nearly 3,000 miles of state routes with approximately 130 employees providing an array of law enforcement services. District 8 oversees several large community events such as Rod Run (Long Beach), Bikers on the Beach (Hoquiam and Aberdeen), Lavender Festival (Sequim), and countless other local festivals.
Key Measurements and Statistics
In 2019, District 8 troopers:
- Made more than 72,000 self-initiated contacts
- Answered more than 16,000 calls for service
- Assisted more than 26,000 motorists
- Contacted nearly 9,000 aggressive drivers
- Investigated more than 3,000 collisions
- Arrested nearly 1,500 impaired drivers,
- Contacted over 1,800 distracted drivers
- Contacted nearly 3,200 unrestrained vehicle occupants

Successes of 2019
Collision reduction
In 2019, District 8 had a 17 percent reduction in speed related collisions and a 20 percent reduction involving injury and fatality collisions caused by speeding and impaired driving.
Impaired Driver Arrests Increased
In 2019, District 8 increased impaired driving arrests by five percent from 2018, and a 15 percent increase over the five-year average.
Life Saving Awards 2019
District 8 acknowledged the lifesaving efforts of three troopers. In spring 2019, two troopers provided CPR to a Jefferson County man for nearly 10 minutes and administered several doses of their issued Naloxone medication, designed to reverse an opioid overdose, saving the man’s life.
In the fall of 2019, a trooper saved the life of a Long Beach man who was suffering from a number of self-inflicted stab wounds. The man was unconscious, with likely little blood left, the trooper utilized his specialize law enforcement trauma-training, and his agency issued Individual First Aid Kit to save the man’s life.
The 2019 “Snowmageddon”
Like much of Western Washington, District 8 had several feet of snow from February 8-13, 2019. Within this five-day period, troopers and staff handled; 346 9-1-1 calls, 387 disabled/abandoned vehicles, 49 Washington State Department of Transportation calls for assistance, 142 reported traffic hazards, 184 collisions, managed to contact 873 moving violations, and arrested 29 people suspected of DUI.