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2020 Annual Report: District 1


The Washington State Patrol (WSP) District 1 is situated in the Puget Sound Basin, providing law enforcement services in Pierce and Thurston County.  The district headquarters and detachments are based out of the Combined Transportation Center in Tacoma and a Tumwater office, with dedicated field patrols providing Gig Harbor area enforcement.  Over 200 employees are assigned to law enforcement, traffic investigations, auto theft, vehicle inspections, communications, administrative support services, forensic laboratory services, deputy fire marshals, and electronic services in District 1.

Stretching from the waters of Puget Sound to Mount Rainier, one of the highest points in North America, District 1 is one of the most heavily populated and traveled regions in the state.  The average daily vehicle count on Interstate 5 exceeds 170,000 in Pierce County and 120,000 in Thurston County.  In addition to the scenic, natural beauty, notable sites include the two bridges spanning the Tacoma Narrows, the Olympia Capitol Campus, Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM), and the Tacoma Dome.

Key Measurements and Statistics

In 2020, District 1 troopers:

  • Made 56,176 self-initiated contacts
  • Assisted 16,910 motorists
  • Investigated 6,487 collisions
  • Removed 2,205 impaired drivers from our roadways

Successes of 2020

As it was for the entire world, the year 2020 was a very challenging and trying year for the men and women of District 1.  In early March, we were faced with a deadly pandemic which forced all of us to change our daily lives and adapt the way we interacted with each other and the public.  While much of our state faced travel restrictions and shutdowns, our personnel had to find a way to safely report to work and fulfill our mission.  Our district personnel were able to rapidly acclimate to a new normal to ensure we maintained a healthy environment for everyone around us, while still providing law enforcement activities to keep our roadways safe.  While a few of our personnel did contract the COVID-19 virus, none of them were seriously ill.

In addition to the pandemic, District 1 personnel responded to widespread protests throughout the region that focused on better police accountability.  Our field personnel remained focused on our motto of “Service with Humility” to protect each individual’s right to free speech, while keeping everyone safe.  Our personnel are committed to the values of acting with integrity and accountability, and striving for continuous improvement.

Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) construction projects continue to have a significant impact to commuters on Interstate 5 throughout the Pierce County area.  These projects have included work around the Tacoma Dome, State Route 16 interchange, Tacoma Mall, and through the city of DuPont.  To help keep drivers safe, District 1 worked with the WSDOT to implement 50 mph speed zones through these areas to help reduce serious collisions.  The WSP has also conducted numerous high visibility patrols through these construction zones.

District 1 continues to participate in the Interstate 5/JBLM Corridor Joint Operations Group with our partners from WSDOT and JBLM.  The group meets monthly to discuss common concerns and improve our response to major roadway closures on Interstate 5.  The group is expanding to adjoining jurisdictions which are affected by these closures to include city and county law enforcement and fire departments.  The concept of the Joint Operations Group has been so successful, other groups are being formed across the state.

Additional Information and Resources:

For those interested in a career with the WSP, please visit us at
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Mailing Address
Washington State Patrol
PO Box 42600
Olympia, WA 98504

Physical Address
Washington State Patrol
Helen Sommers Building
106 11th Avenue SW
Olympia, WA 98501

Wsp accessibility

The Washington State Patrol is firmly committed to providing an environment that provides the public fair and equal treatment and equal access to its benefits, programs and services as required by state and federal laws. If you require reasonable accommodation under the American with Disabilities Act, or would like to file a grievance please click on the following link:  WSP Public Accessibility and Grievance Process

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