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WSP Detectives Seeking Witnesses to I-5 Hit and Run

July 4, 2020

King County: At approximately 1:36 AM on July 4, 2020, the Washington State Patrol (WSP) responded to a serious injury hit and run collision on SB I-5 and Olive Way.

The WSP closed both directions of I-5 for protest activity at 11:56 p.m. on July 3rd. This was the 19th consecutive night protesters had entered I-5, and often times multiple times each night. As protesters were gathered along the SB lanes of I-5 a passenger car, that appears to have entered I-5 from an exit ramp, drove through the group striking two protestors at a high rate of speed. The passenger car continued driving SB on I5 until it stopped near Edgar Martinez Way. WSP Troopers contacted and arrested the driver. The suspect is a 27 year old male from Seattle. Impairment does not appear to be a factor and the cause remains under investigation. The two females that were hit were both transported to Harborview Medical Center. They include a 32 year old from Bellingham who suffered serious injuries and is currently in serious condition. The other is a 24 year old Seattle resident who suffered life threatening injuries and is listed in critical condition.

WSP Captain Ron Mead, District 2 Commander, addressed the media about this morning’s tragedy. He reiterated Chief Batiste’s messages from May 30th and again June 27th that the WSP is exercising the safest means possible to avoid injuries or worse to motorists, protesters, WSDOT personnel and our troopers by closing the roadway as needed and separating protestors and vehicular traffic. But Captain Mead added that the interstate is simply not a safe place for pedestrians. Despite the WSP’s tireless efforts in trying to keep vehicles and protestors separated, two people were seriously injured this morning while protesting on the freeway. As WSP and WSDOT personnel know all too well from the time they spend working alongside them,
the freeways are an inherently dangerous place for any pedestrian, and that is especially so for those assembling illegally on them. The WSP continues to support the rights of peaceful protestors, but the interstate is not a safe place to do that.

WSP detectives are seeking any information, pictures, or videos from witnesses to the collision. Please contact Detective Todd Early at (253) 348-1891 or by email at


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