Key Measurements and Statistics

Successes of 2021
The caseload did not change significantly from 2020.
The Laboratory’s scope of testing was updated in 2021 for DUI/DRE case types, allowing for a case driven approach that streamlines the testing process.
TLD expanded its testing capabilities to include screening and confirmation testing for emerging designer benzodiazepines and screening for fentanyl at lower concentrations.
TLD scientific staff provided expert witness testimony in over 70 cases statewide. There continues to be a significant reduction due to impacts on court operations related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
TLD responded to over 1,200 complex public disclosure requests.
The TLD successfully completed a full on-site accreditation assessment and maintained accreditation from the:
- American Board of Forensic Toxicologists in the area of alcohol and drug testing in biological fluids
• ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB) in the area of alcohol and drug Testing (ISO 17025)
The TLD completed the planning stages for a secondary facility to be located in Federal Way. New instrumentation was procured to support efficient workflow at the current Seattle Laboratory and for use at the secondary location.