October 01, 2021
Olympia– WSP IIT is sending out this release as the required update regarding the independent investigation into the death of Mr. Manuel Ellis. Mr. Ellis died while in the custody of Tacoma Police Department on March 03, 2020.
There is no updated information for this week.
This update is required in compliance with WAC 139-12, which mandates weekly updates be sent out by the lead investigative agency in investigations where a Washington State Peace Officer uses deadly force in the capacity of his or her law enforcement duties. These updates are required even if no new information is available at the time of the update.
Previous press releases can be found at https://wsp.wa.gov/press-releases/
With the passage of Washington State Initiative 940 in 2018, and Substitute House Bill 1064 in 2019, incidents where the use of deadly force by a peace officer results in death, substantial bodily harm, or great bodily harm require an independent investigation. This investigation must be conducted in the same manner as a criminal investigation and state law now requires an “independent investigation” completely independent of the involved agency.
Weekly updates will be provided as the investigation continues. The policies and operating procedures of the IIT are available to the public at: https://wsp.wa.gov/about-us/our-mission/ or directly at: https://wsp.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/CID-IIT-Protocol.pdf