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SIIR Press Release for Spokane County Deputy Involved Shooting

March 30, 2022

SIIR Press Release for Spokane County Deputy Involved Shooting

Update #2 March 30, 2022.

This is an update to the original press release put out by the Spokane Independent Investigative Response Team on March 7, 2022.  SIIR is sending out this release as WAC 139 requires a weekly update. This Update is in reference to the March 7, 2022, Spokane County Deputy Sheriff’s Sergeant involved shooting at 927 N. Malvern in Liberty Lake.  Investigators continue to gather reports and information related to the incident.  Investigators have started evaluating evidence. No new information to report at this time.

Original Press released on 3/15/2022.

On Monday, March 7, 2022, at approximately 10:06 p.m., Liberty Lake Police Department personnel responded to 927 N. Malvern for a report of a domestic violence assault.  Spokane County Sheriff’s Office personnel also responded to assist. Once units arrived, they found that a suspect was barricaded in the residence with a gun, possibly holding hostages. Several attempts were made to communicate with the suspect inside the residence to have him cooperate and safely surrender but those attempts were unsuccessful. Spokane County SWAT team and negotiators were called to assist. Officers surrounded the home and negotiators began to try and establish communications with the suspect. Additionally, multiple PA announcements were given informing the suspect that deputies were outside and wanted to talk. One adult female and one adult male exited a second story window and escaped to safety. A teenaged male remained in the house with the armed suspect but attempts to contact the suspect went unanswered. The suspect was later identified as 56 year old Steven A. Haley of Spokane.

A short time later, Haley exited the residence with a pistol and contacted deputies at the side of the house.  Hailey refused to follow commands and the incident escalated.  One deputy fired his weapon, striking Haley. The deputy who shot Haley was identified as Sergeant Justin Palmer with Spokane County Sheriff’s Office. Following the shooting, officers provided medical aid to Haley until they were relieved by responding medical personnel.  Haley was transported to the hospital for additional care.

The Critical Incident protocol was enacted and the Spokane Independent Investigation Response (SIIR) team was called to investigate the officer involved shooting.  Washington State Patrol Criminal Investigation Unit (CIU) members responded as members of the SIIR. The WSP will be the lead investigating agency while investigators from Spokane Police Department and Liberty Lake Police Department assist in the investigation.  WSP’s Crime Scene Response Team also responded to assist in processing the scene. Community representatives and a family liaison have been identified as required by WAC 139. The investigation is ongoing.

The Washington State Patrol is seeking any information and/or witnesses to this event.  People who have information are asked to please contact Detective Ryan Spangler at (509) 227-6644 or                                             

This update is required in compliance with WAC 139-12, which mandates weekly updates be sent out by the lead investigative agency in investigations where a Washington State Peace Officer uses deadly force in the capacity of his or her law enforcement duties.   These updates are required even if no new information is available at the time of the update.  

***Original Release from Spokane County***

SIIR Team Investigating Deputy-Involved

Shooting in Liberty Lake

Yesterday evening, the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Team responded to assist the Liberty Lake Police Department on a Domestic Violence call.  The male suspect was reportedly armed with a gun, had hostages, and was barricaded inside a residence. The adult female victim escaped the residence during the incident, but her teenage son remained inside the home, as did the armed suspect.  At some point, the suspect exited the residence armed with a handgun and engaged SWAT Team members positioned in the backyard.  One Deputy fired his weapon, striking the suspect.  Deputies immediately provided medical attention until responding medical personnel took over the suspect’s care.  He was transported to the hospital, where he was last known to be in critical condition. No uninvolved citizens, victims, or Deputies were injured during this incident.  The Spokane Independent Investigative Response (SIIR) Team is investigating this incident.

In compliance with WAC 139-12, Spokane County Sheriff’s Office/Spokane Valley Police Department personnel will not be involved in this investigation.

Initial information indicated that on March 7, 2022, at approximately 10:00 pm., Liberty Lake Police Officers responded to a residence located in the 900 block of N. Malvern Road for the report of a reported domestic violence incident.

The victim said her ex-boyfriend, who she hadn’t talked to in years, called her and seemed distraught.  He was now at her residence and banging on the doors and windows.  As Liberty Lake Officers responded, the victim reported the situation was escalating and that at one point, the suspect may have fired a weapon, and forced his way into the residence. Liberty Lake Officers attempted to contact the suspect and deescalate the situation but were unsuccessful.  With two hostages being held inside the residence and knowing the suspect was armed, the assistance of the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Team and Hostage Negotiators were requested.

Once on scene, the SWAT Team surrounded the home and Negotiators began to try and establish communications with the suspect. Additionally, multiple PA announces were given informing the suspect that Deputies were outside and wanted to talk.

The adult female victim exited a second story window to escape to safety, assisted by SWAT.  Knowing the teenage victim remained in the house with the armed suspect, additional PA announcements and attempts to contact the suspect went unanswered.

A short time later, the suspect exited the residence with a pistol in his hand and engaged SWAT Team members in the backyard.  He did not follow commands, and the incident escalated.  One Deputy fired his weapon, striking the suspect.  Immediately after confirming the scene was safe, Deputies provided medical attention until they were relieved by responding medical personnel. The suspect was transported to the hospital for additional care, where he was last known to be listed in critical condition.

The two victims were evaluated and appeared to be traumatized but uninjured.

As per standard protocol, the Deputy who fired his weapon was placed on administrative leave.

The Officer-Involved Protocol was enacted. The SIIR Team is on-scene investigating the incident and processing the scene. The SIIR Team is comprised of multiple agencies in eastern Washington, including the Spokane Police Department, the Washington State Patrol, Liberty Lake Police Department, Airway Heights Police Department, and the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office.

    • The Washington State Patrol is the managing agency in this incident. All future communications regarding this incident will be sent via the SIIR Team.
    • The Spokane County Sheriff’s Office will release the name of the Deputy involved in this incident when appropriate.

In compliance with WAC 139-12, Spokane County Sheriff’s Office/Spokane Valley Police Department personnel will not be involved in this investigation.

Once the SIIR Team investigation is complete, the case will be forwarded to the Spokane County Prosecutor’s Office for review.


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