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Law enforcement agencies team up for ‘HiVE’ patrols across the state

WSP Media Release Cover

November 17, 2022

OLYMPIA, Wash. – The Washington State Patrol (WSP) is partnering with allied agencies across the state in efforts to reduce serious injury and fatality collisions a “High Visibility Enforcement” (HiVE) patrols throughout November and December.

The first of four HiVE patrols is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 19. The patrols will occur in areas across the state during the upcoming holiday season. Future patrols include Nov. 26, Dec. 17, and Dec. 31.

The Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) reports Washington state witnessed a 20-year high in fatality collisions in 2021: 602 collisions resulting in 670 tragic deaths. Sadly, that number will likely be surpassed in 2022: statewide officers have investigated more than 580 fatality collisions so far this year, with more than 250 investigated by the WSP.

“Each fatality collision is a tragedy that affects so many family, friends, and loved ones,” said WSP Chief John R. Batiste. “We are pooling resources to do our part in making our roadways safe for the great people of this state.”

In efforts to combat the disheartening increase in tragic collisions and criminal activity as the holiday season nears, the WSP is joining forces with allied agencies across the stated using a data-driven approach to put the right resources in the right places at the right times: when and where these tragic incidents have and most likely will to occur.

“High visibility enforcement helps remind drivers to slow down, drive sober, and drive distraction free,” said WTSC Director Shelly Baldwin. “These are very important reminders during the holidays when we want families to be able to gather safely in celebration and not to mourn the loss of a loved one.”

Law enforcement participating in the patrols will focus on collision causing violations including speed, following distance, impaired driving, distracted driving and aggressive driving behaviors.

“One person is killed in this country, on average, about every 52 minutes in a drunk driving crash, totaling more than 10,000 lives lost each year,” said Greg Fredericksen, Region 10 Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). “NHTSA is proud to partner with WTSC and WSP for efforts like this to reduce the occurrence of impaired and risky driving behaviors on our roads and highways.

“The goal of high visibility enforcement efforts is to educate drivers on the dangers and consequences of driving impaired.”

Participating WSP district public information officers (PIOs) will provide updates on Twitter regarding the progress of the HiVE patrols conducted within their area.

For a full list of all WSP district PIO accounts, see below:

District 1: @wspd1pio (Pierce and Thurston counties)

District 2: @wspd2pio (King County)

District 3: @wsp3pio (Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Garfield, Walla Walla, Yakima counties)

District 4: @wspd4pio (Adams, Ferry, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, and Whitman counties)

District 5: @wspd5pio (Clark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Lewis, and Skamania counties)

District 6: @wspd6pio (Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Kittitas, and Okanogan counties)

District 7: @wspd7pio (Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, and Whatcom counties)

District 8: @wspd8pio (Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason, Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties)


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