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Messages for Parents – Fire Risks

April 14, 2024

Olympia – Children are at significant risk in fire situations. Fires and burns are one of the leading causes of death for children under the age of fifteen. Young children may not be capable of escaping a fire on their own and may not understand the dangers of exposure. Their ability to escape may be dependent on other occupants.

In 2022, Washington State had three children under the age of 12 die from fire. Preventing house fires is the key to keeping children safe.

Here are some tips on how to keep children safe from a fire:

    • Designate two ways out of every room.
    • Make sure that windows are functional.
    • Demonstrate for your children how to check doors to see if they are hot, and if so, how to find another way out.
    • If a smoke alarm sounds, teach children to get outside and stay outside until a grown-up says it is safe to go back inside.
    • Stay away from hot things.
    • Do not touch matches or lighters and have them tell a grown-up if one or both are found.
    • Let them know that firefighters are “community helpers” and they wear special gear to help them stay safe from fire. Although firefighters’ equipment can look and sound scary, they are there to help.
    • Practice escape plans at least twice a year with children as part of fire safety for kids.
    • Families and providers should also practice fire drills and alter areas affected by fires.

For more information, contact the State Fire Marshal’s Office at (360) 596-3929.


Release sent by Chief Deputy State Fire Marshal Gregory Baruso

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