June 12, 2024
EVERETT, Wash – The Washington State Patrol (WSP) is actively investigating a shooting that occurred at approximately 10:37 a.m. on June 12, 2024, on southbound Interstate 5 just north of the 41st St. off-ramp.
The suspect vehicle is a red Chevrolet Camaro approximately 2010 with a tinted rear license plate cover. The driver was described as a male with facial hair. There was a passenger in the vehicle at the time of the shooting.
The victim vehicle is a tan 2004 Lexus SUV with multiple bullet entries to the rear passenger tire. There were no injuries sustained during this incident.
WSP detectives are asking for witnesses of the road rage/ shooting incident with information or video footage of the suspect vehicle to please call Detective Josh Lancaster at (360) 757-2008 or email him at Joshua.Lancaster@wsp.wa.gov. Your assistance is appreciated as detectives work to locate the suspect and suspect vehicle.