Complete the ORI Request Form and email it to the WSP Customer Services at The request will be assigned to the ACCESS Section for processing. The agency TAC will be contacted and the following will be reviewed:
The ACCESS Section will review all items to ensure they are in compliance. Once that occurs, then the request is approved and the ORIs are issued. Your agency may be denied additional ORIs based on the results of your current audit.
The Terminal Agency Coordinator (TAC) can request a list of any records that have been entered into the system. Criminal history can be requested as well. It is recommended that criminal history be audited on a quarterly basis, especially if the agency has compliance issues with criminal history. Record requests can be requested orcan be requested by e-mailing: Include your primary ORI. If you are requesting criminal history logs include the dates you would like to have, example May 20XX – November 20XX.
You can log into nexTEST and pull up a list of all of your certified users. The link to nextTest is If you do not know your username and password, send an email to Once logged in go to the “reports” section and look for the “certification expiration report”. This report will show you a list of your certified ACCESS users and when they are going to expire.
Complete the memo 550 which can be found on the ACCESS webpage under the forms tab and email to Fill out the section advising of the new location.
nexTEST: Please go to the ACCESS webpage under the manuals tab to find the TAC nexTEST User Guide, and follow the instructions on page 10-12 to complete this task.
CJIS Validations: Please go to the ACCESS webpage under the manuals tab to find the CJIS Validations User Guide, and follow the instructions on page 4-7 to complete this task.
CJIS Online: Once you are logged into CJIS Online, add the assistant TAC as a user by clicking on “Add User”. Once the appropriate information is filled out click “Next”. The level you will choose for the user is “Remove Security Awareness Training” since the Assistant TAC is ACCESS certified they do not have to take the training. You will also want to check the box that states “Admin ACCESS” that way the Assistant TAC can add and remove users for the TAC. Once that is complete you can click submit and they will use the “Agency Administrator Login” using their email and password that you created.