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New Employee Orientation

Welcome to the Washington State Patrol (WSP), one of the premier law enforcement organizations in the nation.

The WSP is a law enforcement agency made up of dedicated professionals who work hard to improve the quality of life for citizens of the state of Washington and prevent the unnecessary loss of life on a daily basis. Below you will find the documents you need to become a member of this great agency.

If you have any questions, please contact your Budget and Fiscal Services (BFS) or Human Resources Division (HRD) representative (see contact information below). BFS can answer questions about benefits, insurance, and retirement.


Budget and Fiscal Services (BFS)/ Payroll Contact Information

Main email addressLast name A – KLast name L – ZLead Contact

Human Resource Division (HRD) Contact Information

Erin HartsteinErin.Hartstein@wsp.wa.govLast name A- K360-704-2314
Vincent AguirreVincent.Aguirre@wsp.wa.govLast name L-Z360-704-2327
Brittany PresleyBrittany.Presley@wsp.wa.govLast name A-Z Backup & Lateral trooper NEO360-704-2305
Krystle PalmKrystle.Palm@wsp.wa.govTeam Lead360-704-2316

New Employee Forms

Please follow the links below to access the necessary forms for all new employees. New Employee Forms can be emailed to your HR Representative. Forms for Direct Deposit, Medical Benefits, Retirement, and Deferred Compensation can be emailed to

Forms for Budget and Fiscal Services should be emailed to

* Please bring all forms with an asterisk to your new employee orientation, as these are required forms.

New Employee Forms

• W-4 *

• Applicant Data Sheet

• Employee Affirmative Action and Demographic Data Form

• Position Eligibility Form

• ID Card Signature Form

• List of Acceptable Documents for I-9 (Please Review)

Budget and Fiscal Services (BFS) Forms

• Direct Deposit Form (Electronic Funds Transfer)

Medical Benefits

Washington State Health Care Authority just released a new self-service portal – Benefits 24/7  Clicking on the link, you will be able to sign up and start completing all your benefits in one place.  If you prefer paper forms, please use those below.

• Medical Plan Choice

• Medical Enrollment Guide

• Medical Enrollment Form*

• If enrolling a dependent, dependent verification documents

• Employee Monthly Premiums

Retirement Enrollment
If you are a PERS3 member you have the option to change your contribution rate in Section 4 of the Member Information Form.

• DRS Plans

• DRS Plan Choice Booklet

• Retirement Status Verification Form*

• Retirement Plan Choice

• Member Information Form (Enrollment) *

•  Beneficiary Guide

•  Beneficiary Designation Form *

Deferred Compensation Enrollment

• Deferred Compensation (DCP) Program Enrollment Information

• Deferred Compensation (DCP) Enrollment Form

Life Insurance

• Life Insurance: MetLife Information *

Long Term Disability

• Long-Term Disability (LTD) Information

• LTD Enrollment Form *

Please follow the links below to access the necessary forms for all new employees. New Employee Forms can be emailed to your HR Representative. Forms for Direct Deposit, Medical Benefits, Retirement, and Deferred Compensation can be emailed to

Forms for Budget and Fiscal Services should be emailed to

* Please bring all forms with an asterisk to your new employee orientation, as these are required forms.

New Employee Forms

• W-4 *

• Applicant Data Sheet

• Employee Affirmative Action and Demographic Data Form

•  Position Eligibility Form

• ID Card Signature Form

• List of Acceptable Documents for I-9 (Please Review)

Budget and Fiscal Services (BFS) Forms

• Direct Deposit Form


If you are a PERS3 member you have the option to change your contribution rate in Section 4 of the Member Information Form.

• Member Information Form (Enrollment)*

• Retirement Status Verification Form*

While not required, it is always recommended to review/update your beneficiary forms. The following forms are available to make any updates as necessary:

• Beneficiary Information and Designation Form*

Please follow the links below to access the necessary forms for all new employees. New Employee Forms can be emailed to your HR Representative. Forms for Direct Deposit, Medical Benefits, Retirement, and Deferred Compensation can be emailed to

* Please bring all forms with an asterisk to your new employee orientation, as these are required forms.

New Employee Forms

• W-4 *

• Applicant Data Sheet

• Employee Affirmative Action and Demographic Data Form

• Position Eligibility Form

• ID Card Signature Form

• List of Acceptable Documents for I-9 (Please Review)

Budget and Fiscal Services (BFS) Forms

• Direct Deposit Form (Electronic Funds Transfer)

Medical Benefits

Washington State Health Care Authority just released a new self-service portal – Benefits 24/7  Clicking on the link, you will be able to sign up and start managing all your benefits in one place.  If you prefer paper forms, please use those below.

• Medical Enrollment Guide

• Medical Enrollment Form*

• If enrolling a dependent, dependent verification documents

•  Employee Monthly Premiums

Retirement Enrollment

• DRS Plan Choice Booklet

• Retirement Plan Choice

• Retirement Status Verification Form*

• Member Information Form (Enrollment)*

• Beneficiary Information and Designation Form*

• Beneficiary Guide

Deferred Compensation Enrollment (Optional)

• Deferred Compensation Program Enrollment Booklet

• Deferred Compensation Participation Agreement Form

Life Insurance

• Life Insurance: MetLife Information *

Long Term Disability

• Long-Term Disability (LTD) Information

• LTD Enrollment Form*

Additional information regarding these forms can be found at the following websites:

• Medical Plan Choice

• Life Insurance

• Long Term Disability

Information for Cadets

• Driving Directions to Academy

Equipment Checklist (Trooper Cadet)

• Supply Section Map

Please follow the links below to access the necessary forms for all new employees. New Employee Forms can be emailed to your HR Representative. Forms for Direct Deposit, Medical Benefits, Retirement, and Deferred Compensation can be emailed to

* Please bring all forms with an asterisk to your new employee orientation, as these are required forms.

New Employee Forms

• W-4 *

• Applicant Data Sheet

• Employee Affirmative Action and Demographic Data Form

• Position Eligibility Form

• ID Card Signature Form

• List of Acceptable Documents for I-9 (Please Review)

Budget and Fiscal Services (BFS) Forms

• Direct Deposit Form (Electronic Funds Transfer)

Medical Benefits

Washington State Health Care Authority just released a new self-service portal – Benefits 24/7  Clicking on the link, you will be able to sign up and start managing all your benefits in one place.  If you prefer paper forms, please use those below.

• Medical Enrollment Guide

• Medical Enrollment Form*

• If enrolling a dependent, dependent verification documents

•  Employee Monthly Premiums

Retirement Enrollment

Retirement Status Verification Form*

• Beneficiary Information and Designation Form*

• Beneficiary Guide

Deferred Compensation Enrollment (Optional)

• Deferred Compensation Program Enrollment Booklet

• Deferred Compensation Participation Agreement Form

Life Insurance

• Life Insurance: MetLife Information *

Long Term Disability

• Long-Term Disability (LTD) Information

• LTD Enrollment Form*

Additional information regarding these forms can be found at the following websites:

• Medical Plan Choice

• Life Insurance

• Long Term Disability

Information for Cadets

• Driving Directions to Academy

Equipment Checklist (Lateral Trooper)

• Supply Section Map

Employee Earnings and Benefits

The Washington State Patrol provides employees’ earnings and deduction statements on-line through an employee self-service

• Payday/Holiday Calendar

• Understanding your Earnings and Deduction Statement

There are many types of paid and unpaid leave available to you. Your Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and WSP policy will define all aspects of your leave, such as: hours of entitlement and circumstances for usage.

Always refer back to your CBA and/or your supervisor for guidance.

Vacation Leave

Full-time employees will accrue vacation leave based on your rate of accrual in accordance with your CBA or Civil Service Rules. Part-time employees will accrue based on a proration of leave in relationship to that of a full-time employee.

Vacation leave will typically post once you have met the eligibility criteria.

Sick Leave

Full-time employees will accrue eight hours of sick leave per month. Part-time employees will accrue based on a proration of leave in relationship to that of a full-time employee.

Sick leave will typically post once you have met the eligibility criteria.

Personal Holiday

Employees are entitled to one Personal Holiday each calendar year. A part-time employee’s personal holiday will be paid based on a proration of time in pay status for the month in relationship to that of a full-time employee.

Entitlement to your personal holiday is defined within your CBA or Civil service Rules and can be used once you have met the eligibility criteria. .

Personal Leave Day

Employees may be entitled to one Personal Leave Day each fiscal year (July—June). Part-time employees personal leave day will be paid based on a proration of time in pay status for the month, in relationship to that of a full-time employee.

Entitlement to your personal leave day is defined within your CBA or Civil service Rules and can be used once you have met the eligibility criteria.

Military Leave

If you are an active member of the military reserve or National Guard, please let your Human Resource and Payroll representative know. You are entitled to 21 days of paid leave for your military duties. Refer to agency policies for additional information.

Below are links regarding additional benefits and other employment information.

• Auto Insurance

• Home Insurance

• Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

• Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP)

Contact us

Mailing Address
Washington State Patrol
PO Box 42600
Olympia, WA 98504

Physical Address
Washington State Patrol
Helen Sommers Building
106 11th Avenue SW
Olympia, WA 98501

Wsp accessibility

The Washington State Patrol is firmly committed to providing an environment that provides the public fair and equal treatment and equal access to its benefits, programs and services as required by state and federal laws. If you require reasonable accommodation under the American with Disabilities Act, or would like to file a grievance please click on the following link:  WSP Public Accessibility and Grievance Process

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© 2025 Washington State Patrol.