July 22, 2019
Tri-Cities – Washington State Patrol (WSP) troopers will conduct traffic safety emphasis patrols for the Water Follies weekend, which runs from July 26, 2019 through July 28, 2019. The emphasis patrols will focus on speeding, impaired driving, aggressive driving, distracted driving, and seat belt enforcement.
The WSP will utilize aircraft, motorcycles, and unmarked patrol cars to conduct emphasis patrols on Interstate-82, State Route-240, and State Route-395. Additional emphasis patrols will be conducted throughout the weekend event to prevent collisions and to promote a safe driving environment for all.
The primary goal of this emphasis patrol is to reduce serious injury and fatality collisions. We are asking everyone not to drink and drive, arrange for a designated driver, always wear your seatbelt, and drive at safe and legal speeds with no distractions. The WSP wants this Water Follies weekend to be a safe and enjoyable event for everyone in the Tri-Cities.
Troopers from Kennewick, Walla Walla, Grandview, and Yakima will be working the entire Tri-Cities area throughout the weekend. Increasing the number of troopers for Water Follies is necessary due to the influx of spectators and the congestion issues that generally surround Columbia Park.