District 4 has 85 commissioned personnel that supports the agency’s mission of enhancing the safety and security of our state through education and traffic law-enforcement in the seven easternmost counties of Washington.
Key Measurements and Statistics
District 4 experienced a 14 percent decline in total collisions for 2020. More importantly, fatality collisions were down 13 percent along with a 13 percent decline in injury collisions. Speed related fatality collisions declined by 37 percent, which are typically a leading cause of fatality collisions in District 4.
The changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in some unusual traffic patterns. While DUI arrests are down 13 percent statewide, the Ritzville detachment experienced a 165 percent increase in DUI arrests. This is exceptional due to the facts that there are no drinking establishments in the Ritzville patrol area, and that the overwhelming majority of those arrested were commuting long-distance on Interstate-90 (not local-residents).
Successes of 2020
District 4 maintained close cooperation with agency partners such as Washington State University (WSU), Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), City of Spokane, Spokane County and others. Though the events were ultimately canceled, planning occurred for large annual events such as Bloomsday, Hoopfest, and several WSU events.
Despite the cancellations & disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, District 4 enforcement personnel continued excellent efforts in public safety. District 4 administrative staff adjusted well to a mandated teleworking status, limiting their physical exposure per guidance from Washington State Department of Health. Despite the changes, a high level of productivity was maintained.