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2020 Annual Report: District 6


District 6 is situated in the north central part of the state with headquarters in Wenatchee.  The district provides service in Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Kittitas, and Okanogan counties. Detachments are located in Ellensburg, Moses Lake, Okanogan, and Wenatchee.  The Motor Carrier Safety Division Port-Of-Entry facility is located on Interstate 90 near milepost 80, west of Cle Elum.

District 6 services 1,537 miles of interstate and state routes, and assists with an additional 7,058 miles of county roads when needed.  There are 124 employees assigned to law enforcement, traffic investigations, auto theft, narcotics investigations, vehicle inspections, communications, and support services.

District 6 oversees several large community events such as the Ellensburg Rodeo, Leavenworth Oktoberfest, and Chief for a Day kicking off the Wenatchee Apple Blossom Festival, Omak Stampede, Gorge Concerts in George, and Winter Lighting Festival in Leavenworth.  District 6 is well known for its diverse beauty, vast agriculture, mountain ranges, water systems and year round recreational opportunities.

Key Measurements and Statistics

In 2020, District 6 troopers:

  • Made more than 30,000 contacts
  • Answered more than 14,000 calls for service
  • Assisted more than 7,400 motorists
  • Investigated more than 2,300 collisions
  • Arrested over 650 impaired drivers

Successes of 2020

Fewer Injury Collisions

In 2020, District 6 realized a ten percent reduction of collisions resulting in injury.  Troopers used collision data to direct their work in high collision areas.  The results were as follows: 42 less injury collisions, and 31 less impaired driver collisions.

COVID-19 Response

District 6 personnel were flexible in response to the ever-changing COVID-19 pandemic.  We leveraged technology allowing personnel to telework.  We utilized community relationships to procure difficult to acquire cleaning products.  Mobile Office Platforms allowed troopers to work out of their vehicles and reduce potential exposure to employees working inside District 6 facilities.

Wildland Fire Response

District 6 experienced numerous wildland fires over the Labor Day weekend.  The Pearl Hill, Cold Springs, and Apple Acres fires burned over 400,000 acres within the district.  We shifted personnel within the district to maintain roadway coverage and assisted Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan counties with evacuation notifications and road closures.

Contact us

Mailing Address
Washington State Patrol
PO Box 42600
Olympia, WA 98504

Physical Address
Washington State Patrol
Helen Sommers Building
106 11th Avenue SW
Olympia, WA 98501

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The Washington State Patrol is firmly committed to providing an environment that provides the public fair and equal treatment and equal access to its benefits, programs and services as required by state and federal laws. If you require reasonable accommodation under the American with Disabilities Act, or would like to file a grievance please click on the following link:  WSP Public Accessibility and Grievance Process

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