
Prepare College Students for Fire Safety on Campus

August 03, 2020 –

Olympia – Many college students across Washington State may be heading back to campus in the coming weeks and some students will be living away from home for the very first time.
The Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office recommends that parents take these last few weeks of summer to prepare their students who are going back to school to be fire safe. Help your student adjust to their new environment by reminding them that with independence comes a responsibility for staying safe.
• Check your school’s rules before using electrical appliances in your room.
• Don’t overload electrical circuits with multiple power strips or extension cords.
• Make sure you can hear the building alarm system when you are in your room.
• Identify emergency exits and plan at least two ways out of the building.
• Keep your room key or access card near the bed when you sleep. Take it with you when you hear the fire alarm and immediately leave the building.
For more information, contact the State Fire Marshal’s Office at 360-596-3929.
