
Fire Safety Features in Campus Dorms

August 04, 2020 –


Olympia – This month, many students around Washington State may be heading to college campuses, and some for the very first time.

The Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office recommends parents prepare their students for fire safety while away at school and practice some situational awareness in the dorms.
• Look for fire sprinklers in the common areas and your room. Never hang anything from sprinkler heads.
• Look for smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms in the hallways and your room. Be sure you can hear them when your room door is closed. Never disable them for any reason.
• Locate the closest emergency exits to your room and plan for at least two ways out of the building in case of an emergency.
• Keep hallways, stairways, and exits around the building clear of any obstructions.
• Keep your room key or access card close by your bed when you sleep. Take it with you when you hear an alarm and get out quickly.

For more information, contact the State Fire Marshal’s Office at 360-596-3929.

The State Fire Marshal’s Office is a Bureau of the Washington State Patrol, providing fire and life safety services to the
citizens of Washington State including inspections of state licensed facilities, plan review of school construction projects,
licensing of fire sprinkler contractors and pyrotechnic operators, training Washington States firefighters, and collecting
emergency response data.
