
How to Use Portable Fire Extinguishers

August 19, 2020 –

Olympia – The Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office recommends using extreme caution when attempting to extinguish a small fire in your house:

• First, evacuate everyone out of the house and call 911.

• Only attempt to extinguish small and confined fires, about the size of a small garbage can, and only if you have a clear escape route.

• Use a multipurpose fire extinguisher that is rated for wood/paper/fabric, flammable liquids, and electrical fires. These extinguishers are labeled ABC for the most common types of household fires.

• Stay 6’ to 8’ away from the base of the fire.

• Pull out the pin on the extinguisher

• Aim at the base of the fire.

• Squeeze the handle of the extinguisher to discharge the extinguishing agent.

• Sweep side to side to extinguish the fire.

For further information, contact your local fire department or call the State Fire Marshal’s Office at 360-596-3929.
