Budget and Fiscal Services (BFS) is responsible for management of all agency financial activities including accounting, budgeting, contractual agreements, financial systems, grant management, and payroll. Our activities include:
- Accounts Payable: Pay vendors within 10 business days of receipt of voucher.
- Accounts Receivable: Minimize outstanding billings over 60 days past due.
- Budget Section: Process Fiscal Notes during legislative session in less than 3 days.
- Contracts Section: Process simple contractual agreements within 10 business days.
- Payroll/Financial Systems: Minimize payroll overpayments and underpayments to employees.
Successes of 2021
A major success for the past year is our ability to meet all the timeline deliverables for the replacement of the statewide agency automated financial systems. During the past year, a large number of our agency staff have been deeply involved in the One Washington project. One Washington is a statewide, multi-year project, led by the Office of Financial Management (OFM), to modernize many of the state’s aging financial and administrative systems. These systems include a number of functional areas including financial, procurement, budgeting, and human resources. Budget and Fiscal Services staff, along with other agency employees, continue to participate and contribute to the success of this enterprise-wide project. More information on the One Washington Project can be found at this link: https://ofm.wa.gov/about/special-initiatives/one-washington
During 2021, we also continued to operate in a hybrid teleworking environment due to the ongoing pandemic. We found success in streamlining and automating various divisional processes to allow for the electronic flow of documents.