The Homeland Security Division (HSD) is comprised of several unique, yet interdependent, sections that provide valuable support to the homeland security efforts within the Washington State Patrol (WSP). Those sections are:
The Vessel and Terminal Security (VATS) section is comprised of specially trained troopers and explosives detection K9 teams that provide security to the Washington State Ferries (WSF) system. As the largest ferry system in the United States, this critical infrastructure requires a layered approach to security.
The Video Monitoring Unit (VMU) provides around-the-clock security over-watch for VATS troopers and the ferry system, to include live camera feed monitoring and license plate reader capabilities. This allows for greater situational awareness for officers, WSF employees, and increases passenger safety.
The WSP Interagency Bomb Squad provides statewide support for bomb threats, suspicious devices, and improvised explosive devices. The Bomb Squad also provides explosives awareness and parcel recognition training to other government entities in an effort to ensure the safety of our state employees.
The Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC) is committed to exchanging critical information and intelligence with local, state, private, and federal partners to prevent terrorism and crime. The WSFC is comprised of intelligence analysts and is supported by WSP detectives and staff to follow up on tips and leads; provide training to stakeholders; and share relevant information regarding threats, trends, and emerging incidents.
The Homeland Security Section (HSS) is comprised of two functions: The Organized Crime Intelligence Unit (OCIU) is a team of intelligence analysts and a Criminal Proceeds Manager that focus primarily on large-scale drug trafficking case support and analysis, financial crime analysis, criminal case support, and asset forfeiture; and the Emergency Management Unit which staffs the State Emergency Operations Center during disasters and provides coordination and support for law enforcement resources, supports the agency’s Continuity of Operations Plan and Incident Management Team, and manages nearly two million in federal grant funding.
Ferry Security:
HSD troopers provided over 6,450 hours of security on ferries traveling throughout Puget Sound. In addition, HSD troopers provided over 14,080 terminal patrol hours and over 18,620 security screening hours in support of vessel and terminal security.
Explosive Detection K9s:
Our 39 explosives detection canine teams provided essential security to not only the ferry system, but also responded to bomb threats across the state. The Canine Training Unit trained three new canine partners for troopers working throughout the division, and four Transportation Security Administration (TSA) trained explosive detection canines.
Video Monitoring Unit:
The Video Monitoring Unit assisted with the following video information requests:
- Mukilteo AR-15 individual arrested (FBI and ATF)
- City of Seattle armed carjacking
- Homicide shooting case – (Coupeville terminal WSP)
- Two stolen vehicle recoveries
- Three jumping incidents
- Three missing personsw

WSP Interagency Bomb Squad:
The WSP Interagency Bomb Squad responded to 320 calls statewide in 2021, including response to improvised explosive devices, suspicious packages, ammunition disposals, and bomb threats. Three new certified bomb technicians joined the statewide roster after completing the 240 hour Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Hazardous Devices School Bomb Technician Certification Course at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. The WSP Interagency Bomb Squad has passed strict FBI and National Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board (NBSCAB) criteria and in 2021 has maintained its National Accreditation as a FEMA Type 1 (Top Tier) Bomb Squad Resource.
Below are examples of some significant Bomb Responses in 2021:
- WSP Bomb Technicians assisted the United States Coast Guard (USCG) in Puget Sound near Port Ludlow by boarding and conducting explosives and booby trap search of stolen Argosy Cruise vessel set adrift after suspect made threats to bomb and/or detonate near a state ferry. Bomb Technicians rescued a canine onboard.
- WSP Bomb Technicians with assistance from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), FBI, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Labor and Industries (L&I), and the Washington National Guard 10th Civil Support Team responded to a homemade explosives laboratory in Arlington. The three day operation resulted in state and federal explosives and weapon charges.
- WSP Bomb Technicians assisted ATF/FBI with evidence recovery for major fire investigation downtown Olympia. FBI opened Domestic Terrorism case.
- Improvised Explosive Device (IED) used to explosively open an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in Centralia. WSP Bomb Technicians cleared the scene including the main North-South Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) rail line that was halted as a result of the explosion. The investigation lead to the arrest of a 39-year old Olympia man.
Homeland Security Section:
The Emergency Management Unit (EMU) continued to manage several homeland security grants and prepared applications for additional funding for our agency. The EMU also published the annual WSP Continuity of Operations (COOP) plan, which was instrumental as the EMU assisted the agency with vaccine mandate contingency planning.
The Organized Crime Intelligence Unit provided ongoing analytical support to the Marijuana Enforcement Team. One analyst supported seven active narcotics investigations, assisted with 30 law enforcement assists, reviewed 11 interdiction tips, and closed 20 cases. Additionally, the Criminal Proceeds Manager coordinated 31 seizure cases, and forfeited $108,853 in 2021.
Washington State Fusion Center:
The Washington State Fusion Center continued its efforts to support public safety and terrorism prevention through the following:
- The COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact the ability to conduct in-person instruction, however, WSFC detectives were able to conduct three Fusion Liaison Officer classes that provided training to local, state, and private partners about reporting suspicious activity and sharing actionable information and intelligence throughout the state.
- Fusion Center detectives reviewed Field Information Reports (FIR) to identify and assess criminal activity. These reports, in combination with Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR), provided valuable information to partners throughout the state and country.