
Reduce the Risks of E-Cigarette Battery Fires

WSP Media Release Cover

January 7, 2021

Olympia – The State Fire Marshal’s Office would like to advise residents of the fire risks when using electronic cigarettes. The main cause of e-cigarette fires and explosions is the failure of lithium-ion batteries when charging or during transportation.

To reduce the risk of fires caused by failed lithium-ion batteries in e-cigarettes, please take the following precautions:

• Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for charging batteries. Use the charger that came with the device. Don’t substitute with a phone or tablet charger.
• Remove charger when battery has been fully charged and avoid charging batteries overnight. They can overheat if overcharged.
• Keep batteries at room temperature and avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures.
• Store loose batteries in a protective case to prevent contact with metal objects.

For more information, contact the State Fire Marshal’s Office at 360-596-3929.
