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Media Planning and Logistics for Capitol Campus Events on Monday, January 11

WSP Media Release Cover

January 8, 2021

Olympia, WA – The Washington State Patrol anticipates possible civil disruption on and around the Capitol Campus grounds on Monday, January 11, 2021. Special processes necessary to guard against transmission of the Covid 19 virus will be in place in accordance with health department guidelines, temporarily limiting access to the Legislative Building.

A number of groups and individuals have indicated intent to come to the campus and in some cases, openly and aggressively attempt to disrupt the opening of the Legislative Session scheduled for Monday morning. Governor Jay Inslee and both House and Senate leadership have made it clear those proceedings will go on uninterrupted and special security measures and significantly enhanced security resources, including WSP and the Washington State National Guard, will be deployed to ensure the safe, peaceful and effective processes necessary for the opening of session.

Media Access to the Legislative Building

Media Access to the Legislative Building will be limited to 12 individuals for pool reporting. The 12 have been selected with input and guidance from the Capitol Campus Press Corp. Only those press members designated by the process will actually be allowed into the Legislation Building due to pandemic restrictions. All other press are welcomed to be on any non-restricted area of the campus and to attend the three planned daily briefings at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.

Scheduled Press Briefings

There will be three scheduled press briefings held during the day.
Place: Front of Old Thurston County Courthouse
(also known and Capitol Court Office Building)
Southeast Corner of 11th and Capitol Way
Times: 10:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 4:00 p.m.


TV Trucks and credentialed media are welcome to park in the Church parking lot immediately to the North of the Old Courthouse or the Courthouse parking lot immediately south of the building. First come/first served. (TV Trucks might be easier to get in and out of church lot.) Please show that you are a member of the press by leaving a card or credential on the driver’s side dashboard. (Note: Parking in the general area will be significantly impacted by security measures. Please obey all parking signs, regulations, and direction whether on the Capitol Campus or in the City of Olympia.)

Restricted Areas

The Legislative Building has been temporarily fenced during this event and all but law enforcement and credentialed staff, media, and legislators are restricted from access. This is an obviously temporary and unfortunately necessary security precaution given the nature of possible disruptive acts. The fencing access limitations will be lowered when the security and health threats allow.


The security concerns are heightened during the opening of the legislative session but are of unknown duration. We are both hopeful and diligent in our work to keep these necessary precautions and disruptions to normal operations to the shortest duration possible. As we have throughout these troubled times, we ask those inclined to cause civil disruption and threat to our democratic institutions and processes, to lower the temperature, to take a breath, and to take a moment to reflect on the possible impacts of any potentially illegal, threatening or harmful acts. We will honor and protect the rights of free speech. We will respond to illegality with firm resolve.


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Mailing Address
Washington State Patrol
PO Box 42600
Olympia, WA 98504

Physical Address
Washington State Patrol
Helen Sommers Building
106 11th Avenue SW
Olympia, WA 98501

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The Washington State Patrol is firmly committed to providing an environment that provides the public fair and equal treatment and equal access to its benefits, programs and services as required by state and federal laws. If you require reasonable accommodation under the American with Disabilities Act, or would like to file a grievance please click on the following link:  WSP Public Accessibility and Grievance Process

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