
Take Time to Talk to Your Children about Fire Safety

February 16, 2021

Olympia – Any fire fatality is a tragedy, but the death of a child in a house fire is especially hard. Already this year, two children under age 5 have died in house fires in Washington State, which prompts the State Fire Marshal’s Office to remind families to take time to talk about fire safety.

• Ensure your home has working smoke alarms in each bedroom, in the hallways outside the bedrooms, and on each floor of the home, including basements.

• Ensure everyone in the home is familiar with the purpose of the smoke alarms and the sound they make when smoke is present.

• Develop a home fire escape plan with your children. Incorporate sounding the smoke alarms (using the test button), and having all household member practice getting out of the house to a safe, designated meeting place. Identify more than one way to get out, even if that means using windows. Include steps to assisting others who may not be able to respond without help.

For additional tools to help create a home fire escape plan, visit the SFMO website. For further information, contact the State Fire Marshal’s Office at (360) 596-3929.
