July 22, 2021
Benton/Franklin Counties – The main entrance to Columbia Park located westbound on SR 240 will be closed from 4:00 pm through 6:00 pm on both Saturday, July 24th and Sunday, July 25th, 2021. During the same time frame, the off ramp from westbound SR240 to Edison Street will also be closed. These are the same closures the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) have conducted in previous years during Water Follies. The closure of the entrance ramp is to
ensure a safe and expeditious exit of vehicles from the Water Follies events during peak traffic times and to ensure the safety of pedestrians in the area.
Vehicles will not be allowed to stop on the shoulders of SR 240 for the purpose of dropping off or picking up spectators, viewing the races, or air shows. Ben-Franklin Transit will have shuttle buses available to transport spectators to and from the event to various pick-up locations for a minimal fee. Pedestrians can be picked up at the designated pick-up/drop-off point in Columbia Park near the will-call trailer. For additional information regarding transit drop-off and pick-up points, the public is asked to contact Ben-Franklin Transit. Please refer to their web site for additional information (https://www.bft.org/services/waterfollies/).