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WSP Statewide ‘Move Over, Slow Down’ Emphasis Campaign – District 4

WSP Media Release Cover

April 17, 2023

Spokane, Wash. – Choosing to slow down and move over is a simple choice that keeps everyone safe. The Washington State Patrol (WSP) is partnering with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), the Towing and Recovery Association of Washington (TRAW) and the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) to conduct a “Move Over, Slow Down” campaign that began in March and will continue through April.

These emphasis patrols have been focusing on educating drivers about the importance of RCW 46.61.212 – A law which requires motorists to move over or slow down when approaching emergency or work zones. Per the RCW, motorists approaching an emergency zone or work zone are required to move over one lane, if possible, or slow down by at least 10 miles per hour (mph) below the posted speed limit. An emergency zone includes the 200 feet of roadway prior to and after the incident or area of work. This means slowing for police, fire ambulance crews in addition to tow trucks and work crews which have vehicles with audible or visual signals – such as WSDOT work vehicles and tow trucks with flashing red and/or amber lights.

We value the lives of all roadway and emergency workers across the state and here in District 4. From April 16th to 22nd, District 4 troopers will be conducting emphasis patrols in the area as part of the statewide campaign. Expect to see an extra WSP presence during this time. We are coordinating the local WSDOT workers and tow truck operators to bring awareness to the importance of moving over or slowing down in emergency zones to keep everyone safe.


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Olympia, WA 98504

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106 11th Avenue SW
Olympia, WA 98501

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