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Post Fireworks Safety

July 5, 2023

Olympia – Used fireworks can leave behind a great deal of debris. Proper cleanup of fireworks debris and unused fireworks can help reduce the risk of an injury or fire from happening.

The SFMO suggests these tips for proper disposal of fireworks:

    • Once fireworks are used, they should be allowed to rest for 15-20 minutes.
    • Place the used fireworks in a bucket of water to soak thoroughly.  After soaking, double wrap them in plastic bags and dispose of them in a metal trash can.
    • It is best to dump the remaining water on the ground.  Select an area where it will not produce surface runoff into municipal water systems.
    • Return to your fireworks discharge area the next morning to clean up any remaining fireworks debris.
    • Outside of legal discharge dates, contact your local jurisdiction such as your local fire department or law enforcement agency to see if they collect unused fireworks for disposal.
    • Check with a public display company to see if they can use unused fireworks in a display show.
    • If you find a homemade device or illegal explosive device, call 911 for instructions.  Do not handle or move the device.

For more information go to: or contact the State Fire Marshal’s Office at (360) 596-3929.

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