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Recreation Vehicle Safety

July 12, 2023

Olympia – Motorhomes, campers, and other recreational vehicles are used for living and traveling.  Each year, fires in them cause deaths, injuries, and millions of dollars in damages.  Fires can start in the kitchen, engines, and are sometimes electrical in nature.

Vehicle fires have been the fourth leading type of fire incident reported for the past five years in Washington.  In 2022, a total of 3,932 vehicle-related fire incidents occurred, which include recreational vehicles.

The SFMO suggests these safety tips whenever using your recreational vehicle:

    • Install smoke alarms and make sure they work.
    • Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas and cannot be seen, tasted, or smelled.  Make sure you have working CO alarms in your recreational vehicle.
    • Stay in the kitchen while you cook.  Keep anything that can catch fire away from the stovetop.
    • Only use one heat-producing appliance plugged into a receptacle outlet at a time.
    • Check for propane leaks for any appliance that uses propane.
    • Do not keep portable heaters or lanterns on while sleeping.
    • Know two ways out and make sure windows open easily.
    • Keep a portable fire extinguisher on board and only use it if the fire is small enough to be contained.  Make sure everyone exits and call 911.
    • If campfires are allowed, keep them at least 25 feet away from anything that can burn.
    • Always have your recreational vehicle serviced by a qualified mechanic.

For more information contact the State Fire Marshal’s Office at (360) 596-3929


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