
SWWA WSP Troopers Participate in ‘Surviving Summer’ Campaign

WSP Media Release Cover

July 27, 2023

Southwest Washington (SWWA) – The Washington State Patrol (WSP), Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC), and partner law enforcement agencies in SWWA have a goal for motorists when it comes to ‘Surviving Summer.’ The WSP wants to reduce serious injury and fatality collisions during the state’s 90 most dangerous days on Washington roadways.

For the past five years, June 9 through September 7 has become the highest consecutive 90-day stretch for traffic-related fatalities within Washington. According to the WTSC, more than 967 lives were lost due to fatal crashes over the course of the past five summers (June to August), with law enforcement responding to an average of more than 60 fatalities per month in June, July, and August.

Contributing factors to these deadly crashes include excessive speed, impairment, distraction, and failing to grant the right-of-way.

“Put the phone down, buckle-up, drive sober, and slow down,” is the message being sent by SWWA WSP District Commander Jason Linn. “We can all do our part by following these simple safety rules.”

Lowering the risk for everyone who shares the roadway requires a collaborative effort. Law enforcement partners across SWWA, as well as across the state, are asking the public to participate in their role of ensuring we all survive summer.
