
Home Fire Sprinklers

June 20, 2024

Olympia – Home sprinklers are critical in reducing the severity of a home fire. A combination of fire sprinklers and smoke alarms may reduce the risk of dying in a fire by 82%, according to the United States Fire Administration (USFA).

Below are some benefits of installing residential fire sprinklers:

    • Life safety is increased because sprinklers reduce heat, flame, and smoke from fire.
    • There is decreased property and content losses in a fire by 55% according to the National Fire Protection Association.
    • USFA estimates the installation cost in a new home to be about $1.35 per square foot, and there is potential of lowering insurance rates by 5 to 15 percent by meeting code requirements.
    • Installation can be done in new and existing structures.
    • Sprinklers activate from elevated temperatures, not smoke- preventing accidental activation.
    • Fire sprinklers respond independently, ensuring response to only the affected areas.
    • Uses 91% less water to extinguish a fire than a fire department response.

For more information, contact the State Fire Marshal’s Office at (360) 596-3904.


Release sent by Deputy State Fire Marshal Mikaila Hayes