The Toxicology Laboratory Division (TLD) staff includes forensic scientists, property and evidence custodians, and professional office staff who provide the only accredited evidential toxicology services in the state. Law enforcement, medical examiners, coroners, and prosecuting attorneys rely upon the technical expertise of the TLD staff to fully investigate suspicious deaths, natural and accidental deaths, homicides, suicides, traffic fatalities, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs cases, suspected drug-facilitated assaults and any other forensic cases where alcohol and/or drugs may be involved.
Successes of 2019
In 2018, the TLD received a total of 15,676 cases.
The caseload did not change significantly from 2017, primarily due to a decrease in death investigation case submissions.
TLD scientific staff provided expert witness testimony in over 200 cases statewide.
TLD responded in a timely and accurate fashion to 818 complex public disclosure requests.
The TLD successfully maintained accreditation from the
• American Board of Forensic Toxicologists in the area of alcohol and drug testing in biological fluids
• ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB) in the area of alcohol and drug Testing (ISO 17025)
• ANAB in the area of Breath Alcohol Calibration (ISO 17025)
The development and validation of a new Time-of-Flight LC/MS instrumentation method, will allow the TLD to expand the range of substances that can be screened for in casework.
Additional Information and Resources
For more information on how the Toxicology Laboratory Division manages its case load, please click here.