The Washington State Patrol is a premier law enforcement agency made up of dedicated professionals who work hard to improve the quality of life for our citizens and prevent the unnecessary loss of life on a daily basis.
Population: 7.614 million (2019)
Size of Washington: 66,582 square miles
Counties: 39
State Capitol: Olympia
Nickname: Evergreen State
Commissioned personnel: 1100 (Budgeted)
Civilian Employees: 1100 (Budgeted)
911 Calls Handled: 427,529 (2020)
Responds to an average of 2,138 contacts a day
Averages 1,128,642 contacts a year
Yearly Contacts: 414,504 (2021)
Yearly Calls for Service: 309,495 (2021)
Lane Miles Served: 18,699
Motorist travel 90 million vehicle miles each day