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WSP Plans High Visibility Enforcement Patrols During Watershed Weekend

July 31, 2024

KITTITAS and GRANT County, Wash. – Washington State Patrol (WSP) District 6 is partnering with other law enforcement agencies to conduct a High Visibility Enforcement (HiVE) patrol, with the shared goal of reducing serious injury and fatality collisions.

Watershed festival is arguably one of the biggest outdoor festivals in Washington State. The 3-day concert series will begin Friday, August 2nd and ends Sunday August 4th.

During Watershed weekend, WSP will be conducting our sixth HiVE patrol out of a series of eight for the year. “Contacting collision-causing violations is our main goal, but we also plan to target the use of electronic devices and seatbelt violations,” stated Trooper Jeremy Weber, District 6 PIO. He went on to say, “Our message is simple, have fun this weekend, but please don’t make bad decisions that can affect innocent people on our highways.”

Some of their resources will include: the Aggressive Driving Apprehension Team (ADAT) vehicles, Aviation, and several marked patrol cars equipped with state-of-the-art speed measuring devices strategically placed within Grant and Kittitas Counties.

Updates on the progress throughout the HiVE patrol will be provided on WSP District 6 social media platforms, including Instagram (wastatepatrol_d6) and/or X (@wspd6pio).

For questions or interviews, please contact Public Information Officer Trooper Jeremy Weber.


Release sent by Trooper Jeremy Weber, D6 PIO

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