Basic Firefighter
Training Reimbursement
The Basic Fire Fighter Training Program provides fire departments and fire protection districts with resources and financial support to facilitate and enable the training of fire fighters to minimum safety requirements. The program addresses the adopted NFPA 1001-2019 edition in modular format, NFPA 1403-2018 edition, NFPA 1072-2017 edition and applicable sections of WAC 296-305.
Our Program Manual thoroughly explains the program and provides information about training requirements, the application process, and the reimbursement schedule. It also contains useful information for developing instructors and volunteer recruit schools. For additional information or questions about the program, email us at:
Hazardous Materials Training
The State Fire Marshal’s Office coordinates and delivers Hazardous Materials Training to first responders statewide. This training is funded by the Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation
There is no cost to attend any of these classes. Lodging for courses offered at the WSP Shelton Academy and the Fire Training Academy will be paid for as part of these programs. At all other locations where classes are held, lodging will be the responsibility of the student.
A minimum of Hazardous Materials Operations is required for attendance to the On-Scene Incident Command, the Train-the-Trainer Awareness & Operations, and the Technician courses.
To host a course, course content or registration information email
2022 HazMat Training Conference Location and Date to be Announced.
All Other Training
The State Fire Marshal’s Office coordinates and delivers Hazardous Materials Training to first responders statewide. This training is funded by the Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation
For specific information on “Regional Direct Delivery” please click here.
For specific information on “Fire Safety & Training” please click here.
For specific information on “Fire Sprinkler Training” please click here.
For specific information on “Fireworks Training” please click here.