Background on Washington’s Sexual
Assault Kit Tracking System
Established in July 2015, Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 70.125.090 requires all sexual assault kits collected on, or after, July 24, 2015 – where consent for forensic analysis has been given and for all non-emancipated juveniles – to be submitted to law enforcement for forensic testing within 30 days of receipt.
The Washington State Patrol has implemented Second Substitute House Bill 2530 (2016 Legislative Session), which created RCW 43.43.545 – Statewide sexual assault kit tracking system. The tracking system provides sexual assault survivors with the ability to anonymously track the location and status of their Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) from the point of collection through forensic analysis to final storage location and possible destruction. According to the legislation, “The system will be designed to track all sexual assault kits in Washington state, regardless of when they were collected, in order to further empower survivors with information, assist law enforcement with investigations and crime prevention, and create transparency and foster public trust.”
House Bill 2530
Washington State Second Substitute House Bill 2530 created RCW 43.43.545 – Statewide sexual assault kit tracking system, which must:
• Track the location and status of sexual assault kits throughout the criminal justice process.
• Allow medical facilities performing sexual assault forensic examinations, law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, the Washington State Patrol Forensic Laboratory Services Bureau, and other entities in the custody of sexual assault kits to update and track the status and location of sexual assault kits.
• Allow victims of sexual assault to anonymously track or receive updates regarding the status of their sexual assault kits.
• The WSP shall submit a report on the current status and plan for launching the system, including the plan for phased implementation, to the joint legislative task force on sexual assault forensic examination best practices, the appropriate committees of the legislature, and the governor no later than January 1, 2017.
• The WSP shall submit a semiannual report on the statewide sexual assault kit tracking system to the joint legislative task force on sexual assault forensic examination best practices, the appropriate committees of the legislature, and the governor with the first report due July 31, 2018.
WAC Chapter 446-95
Chapter 446-95 WAC (effective June 1, 2018) — The authority the legislature gave to the Washington State Patrol to implement a tracking system requires adoption of rules establishing a uniform sexual assault kit to allow successful implementation of the sexual assault kit tracking initiative.
• SAK Tracking System RFP: RFP SAK Tracking System
• List of Bidders submitting Letters of Intent: Bidder Roster
• Conference Slides: Pre-Proposal Conference Slides
• Amendment 1: Amendment 1 to WSP-RFP-SAK002 – Appendix H – Cost Proposal – J1-WSP On-Premise Model Contract – J2-WSP Cloud Based Model Contract
• Amendment 2: Amendment 2 to WSP-RFP-SAK002
Mr. Robert Marlatt
RFP Coordinator – Information Technology Division
Washington State Patrol
Office: (360) 596-4905
Sexual Assault Tracking System
The Washington State Patrol implemented Second Substitute House Bill 2530 (2016 Legislative Session), which created Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 43.43.545 – Statewide sexual assault kit tracking system. The tracking system provides sexual assault survivors with the ability to anonymously track the location and status of their Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) from the point of collection through forensic analysis to final storage location and possible destruction. According to the legislation, “The system will be designed to track all sexual assault kits in Washington state, regardless of when they were collected, in order to further empower survivors with information, assist law enforcement with investigations and crime prevention, and create transparency and foster public trust.”
Survivors will be able to anonymously login to the system to track the status and location of their SAK, using the credentials on their survivor login card provided to them at the time of collection of the SAK at the Medical Facility. Access the tracking system here: WSP Sexual Assault Tracking System
Individuals with Log-In Credentials
Survivors will be able to anonymously login to the system to track the status and location of their SAK, using the credentials on their survivor login card provided to them at the time of collection of the SAK at the Medical Facility.
Individuals Requesting Log-In Credentials
The tracking system began statewide rollout in February 2018 and went live in different areas throughout the year:
• If you were not given tracking system login credentials after the date your area was live, please contact the Medical Facility the kit was collected at or the detective assigned to the case.
• All collected kits stored by Medical Facilities and Law Enforcement Agencies will, in time, be given a tracking barcode; survivors will be able to track the status of their kit once that process has been completed. Please contact the detective assigned to the case that is in custody of the kit for more information.
Contact the detective assigned to the case for more information.
Initial Log In:
• Log in to the Survivor Portal using the unique barcode (username) and the password on the survivor card provided by the Medical Facility. You will be prompted to change your password before proceeding.
Subsequent Log In:
• Log in to the Survivor Portal using the unique barcode (username) and the previously chosen password.
If you have questions about the status of your kit please contact the Medical Facility who collected the kit or the detective assigned to the case.
If you answered the optional security questions:
• Click the “Forgot your password?” link on the home page and follow the steps to log in.
If you did not previously answer the security questions or forgot the unique barcode (username):
• Please contact the Medical Facility or the detective assigned to your case and request a password reset.
No. The Washington State Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System does not retain any personally identifying information.
• Joyful Heart Foundation
• End Violence Against Women International
• International Association of Chiefs of Police
• Mending the Sacred Hoop
• National Alliance to End Sexual Violence
• National Center for Victims of Crime
• National Institute of Justice
• National Sexual Violence Resource Center
• Rape Abuse Incest National Network
• Resource Sharing Project
• Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault
• Stop It Now!
Sexual Assault Tracking System

Medical Facilities

Law Enforcement Agencies

