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The Target Zero Team initiative began, with a handful of troopers in King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties working full time to look for impaired drivers. In the first 24 months, the data-driven patrols saved 109 lives. The program was so successful that the legislature secured funding and expanded it to include Spokane and Yakima Counties.

In July, the Patrol received re-accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), and received two additional honors; Meritorious Status (signifying accreditation for 15 more years) and Flagship Status (identifying WSP as a “mentor” for other agencies seeking their first accreditation).

WSP became active on several social media platforms during the year, including Twitter and YouTube, and launched a Facebook page the following year.
The Patrol suffered its single most tragic not in the life of duty losses. CO4 Anne Miller-Hewitt and her husband Trooper Gary Miller lived and worked out the Wenatchee office. Trooper Kristopher Sperry was fresh out of the academy, newly assigned to Wenatchee and had not yet found a place to live. The Miller’s had offered Trooper Sperry a place to stay until he got settled. On the morning of August 16, 911 received a call from Anne reporting the house was on fire and they were evacuating. Tragically, no one escaped the flames.

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Mailing Address
Washington State Patrol
PO Box 42600
Olympia, WA 98504

Physical Address
Washington State Patrol
Helen Sommers Building
106 11th Avenue SW
Olympia, WA 98501

Wsp accessibility

The Washington State Patrol is firmly committed to providing an environment that provides the public fair and equal treatment and equal access to its benefits, programs and services as required by state and federal laws. If you require reasonable accommodation under the American with Disabilities Act, or would like to file a grievance please click on the following link:  WSP Public Accessibility and Grievance Process

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