Welcome to TraCS

The Washington traffic records community has begun a project to replace the Statewide Electronic Collision & Ticket Online Records (SECTOR) system with the National Model Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS) system. This project will implement TraCS and transition law enforcement, partner agencies, and prosecutors, impacting over 15,000 users.
Have questions or comments? Email us at tracs@wsp.wa.gov.

The following SECTOR system features will be impacted:
• Tickets
• Crash Reports
• Collision Diagramming
• DUI Arrest Packets
• Tow/Impound Forms
• Warnings/Correction Notices
• Marine Law Enforcement
SECTOR is a complex application built on old technology and architecture. WSP currently develops, maintains, and supports the SECTOR application software. Over the last few years, the WSP and the traffic records community have been studying how to modernize or replace SECTOR.
The traffic records community recommended the state adopt the National Model TraCS application. The National Model is a consortium of states that fund and support a common traffic records application (i.e., TraCS). The focus of the National Model is improving data collection for roadway incidents, leveraging proven technology for law enforcement, streamlining the communication of safety information to impacted parties.
What SECTOR functionality is going to be replaced?
The scope of the project is limited to replacing the existing SECTOR functionality including:
• Tickets
• Police Traffic Collision Reports (PTCR) aka Crash Reports
• Collision Diagramming
• DUI Arrest Packets
• Tow/Impound Forms
• Warnings/Correction Notices
• Marine Law Enforcement
Who is impacted by the replacement of SECTOR?
Anyone who uses SECTOR to perform their duties and organizations who rely on SECTOR data for their internal operations.
When will the new system go-live?
The system will go live in Summer 2025 and will be strategically rolled-out to law enforcement agencies across the state through June 2027.
Will SECTOR still be available after TraCS is live?
Yes, the SECTOR Client will be available through July 2027. The SECTOR Back Office will remain available through July 2037 for retention purposes.
How do you access the Back Office in TraCS?
Unlike SECTOR, TraCS does not have a “Back Office”; however, TraCS users with the appropriate permissions will be able to run analysis reports.
Will my organization’s RMS system work with TraCS?
Like SECTOR, TraCS will use JINDEX to exchange information. Neither the data nor method used to exchange the data is intended to change with this project.
Will our scanners work with TraCS?
If your scanner works with SECTOR today, it will work with TraCS. TraCS will work with any scanner that can read the PDF417 AAMVA DL/ID standard compliant barcodes that are on the Washington State Driver’s Licenses and those that can read the barcode on Washington Vehicle Registrations.
Will TraCS allow individual municipalities to update their municipal codes without going through the courts?
No, violation codes are not added directly to SECTOR; local municipal codes are entered into JIS by the local municipal court clerks and the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) manages statewide codes. The process will be similar in TraCS.
Please let your local municipal court clerk know these need to be updated in JIS. SECTOR then receives weekly import files for law table updates.
Have questions or comments? Email us at tracs@wsp.wa.gov.