The Washington State Patrol Vehicle Identification Program is currently suffering from multiple vacancies throughout the state. We understand the delay this has caused and the difficulties in scheduling appointments for inspections. We are working diligently to fill these positions so we can provide the service expected of our customers. We apologize for these delays and ask that you continue to check back weekly for available appointments. At least one week of appointments is made available every Tuesday around 11:00 AM. You must have a scheduling account and be logged in to make an appointment.
We have also been informed that individuals are obtaining multiple appointments and placing these for sale on various social media sites. As a reminder, purchasing an appointment is a violation of our terms and conditions and may result in a cancellation. Individuals identified as selling appointments will have their scheduling account blocked. We have also implemented limitations to the number of appointments that can be scheduled. Customers are now limited to one appointment per day. Multiple appointments made in the same day, without prior authorization from VIN Program staff, may result in cancellation. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
If you have a compliment, comment or complaint, please email the VIN Program Manager at
The Washington State Patrol performs physical inspections on vehicles that have been rebuilt after being destroyed or declared a total loss by an insurance company. We also will perform physical inspections as required on vehicles reported stolen, homemade vehicles, other vehicles without a proper VIN, or other special cases.
• Verify that you need an inspection by visiting your official licensing agent, or go to for more information.
• Have all the paperwork necessary to complete your inspection including a your WSP Inspection Request Form provided by the licensing agent.
• Identify your closest VIN inspection location and use our online scheduler to make an appointment.
• Arrive at your location on your inspection date with all your completed documents.
You will need to bring a completed “Washington State Patrol Inspection Request Form” provided by a licensing agent as well as other documents depending on the type of inspection. Please review the following that apply to your vehicle before you schedule an appointment.
• Additional Information for Oregon Residents/ Dealers
• Abandoned Unauthorized Vehicles Guide
• Assembled Vehicle Inspection Guide
• Homemade Motor Vehicle Inspection Guide
• Homemade Recreational Vehicle Inspection Guide
• Homemade Trailer Inspection Guide
• Kit Vehicle Inspection Guide
• Homemade Motorcycle, Moped, ORV Inspection Guide
• Rebuilt Salvage Vehicle Inspection Guide
• Street Rod Custom Vehicle Inspection Guide
Info needed for account creation:
• Email
• Password
• Full Name
• Phone Number
• Company (if applicable)
Select your district and location below:
What is a VIN?
“VIN” (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique universal serial number issued to every vehicle by the manufacturer. Within the 17-digit number are codes that indicate the vehicle’s make and model, the factory where the vehicle was manufactured, a serial number and information about optional equipment.Why does the WSP conduct VIN inspections?
The WSP inspects vehicles at the request of the Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) in an effort to deter auto theft and the trafficking of stolen parts (RCW 46.12.560).Do I Need a VIN Inspection?
A licensing agent will let you know if you need an inspection at the time you apply for a title. You may also receive a letter from DOL directing you to an inspection if there is a problem with your vehicle’s VIN.What is a licensing agent and where are they located?
A licensing agent is your county auditor or official subagent in business to provide vehicle titles and other services. (See Licensing Locations)Do I have to go to a licensing agent first before I schedule an inspection?
Yes. The licensing agent will be your first stop in getting your vehicle titled. Please visit Licensing for more information.Can I just show up at the local VIN lane?
Inspections are by appointment only.How do I get my car trailer or truck to the inspection lanes if it's not licensed?
Unless you transport the vehicle on a licensed trailer, you will need to purchase a transit permit before you can legally drive your vehicle to the inspection. (See Transit Permits).What do I need to bring to my inspection?
You will need to present the following at the time of your inspection:• The vehicle/motorcycle/trailer that you need inspected
• A completed Washington State Patrol Inspection Request Form provided by the licensing agent
• If you are rebuilding a salvage vehicle you will need a bill-of-sale or copy of title sent to the insurance company and original receipts for all major component parts
• Other documents (please see “What to Bring To Your Inspection” section above and bring what pertains to you).I'm rebuilding a salvage vehicle. What qualifies as a valid receipt for the parts I purchased?
Receipts for parts must be original and must be made out to the vehicle owner, immediate family member or a licensed body shop that repaired the vehicle. See the rebuilt/salvage vehicle inspection guide under the “What to bring with you section” for detailed receipt information.
What if I bought my parts on the Internet?
Parts purchased from a licensed business via the Internet or electronically will only be accepted for new, aftermarket components. You must print out a copy of the receipt to present to the VIN Officer at the time of inspection. The printed receipt must include the business name, address, phone number, date of purchase, description of part, purchase price, and tax paid. Internet bid receipts, ebay, etc. will not be accepted.
I'm rebuilding a salvage vehicle but I have not replaced all the damaged parts. Can I have it inspected before I'm finished?
No. A rebuilt salvaged vehicle must have all damaged major component parts replaced or repaired to meet requirements before inspection. The WSP will only inspect complete vehicles per RCW 46.12.560. Major component parts include at least each of the following RCW 46.80.010:• Engines and short block
• Transmission and/or transfer case
• Doors
• Front or rear clip
• Truck bed or box
• Hood
• Fenders
• Frame
• Cab
• Front or rear differential
• Quarter panels
• Seats
• Bumpers
• AirbagsNote: If the vehicle was originally manufactured with airbags, all airbags must be replaced prior to the inspection.
I'm building a homemade car/trailer/kit vehicle/ORV etc. What equipment do I need to have installed and what additional documentation is required for inspection?
Please see “What to Bring To Your Inspection” section aboveDoes the WSP inspect off road vehicles (ORV) for use on the road?
We do inspect ORV’s but not to certify them for use on the road. This is a service your local mechanic or dealership can provide.I am a licensed dealer. How can I get multiple cars inspected?
Please call your local VIN Office, if you are a licensed dealer and need multiple inspections.My state requires me to have my VIN inspected before I renew my license tabs. Can I have my vehicle inspected for a state other than Washington?
No. Only non-resident students and non-resident active duty military personnel may have their vehicle inspected for VIN verification. Military personnel must provide a leave and earnings statement showing residence of record. Students must provide a letter from their college stating the student is paying out-of-state tuition or proof of enrollment. (See WAC 308-99-040)I just need a VIN verified to make sure the car I'm buying isn't stolen. Do I need a full inspection?
No. You don’t need to schedule an inspection. Any commissioned police officer can check to see if a car is recorded as stolen. Please visit your local police department or county sheriff’s office.